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Depression? Does it affect me?

Depression is a mental disorder characterized by low mood, low self-esteem, and loss of pleasure and interest in most activities that are normally enjoyable to people. Depression affects migraineurs often because migraine limits the migraineur’s abilities, causing low self-esteem and later depression.

Depression may lead to suicidal thoughts! Fight it!

Humans thrive with healthy activities like work and sports. Each individual needs to achieve something of some value to him or her in order to be pleased with oneself. For example, one may try to realize dreams, finish education, get a good job, get married, have children, make money to the level of satisfaction, etc. If an individual meets some frequent hurdles that interferes with his or her ability to achieve previously set goals then depression starts. If depression is left untreated, the patient develops feelings of uselessness and suicidal thoughts.

You may fight against depression just by being patient and staying social. I know, migraine may get very frequent, and the pain gets really debilitating. But remember if you give up, depression, almost certainly, makes the pain worse.

Anti-seizure medicines causes depression and suicide?

The Food and Drug Administration concluded lately that anti-seizure drugs lead to suicidal thoughts. This means that migraineurs on drugs like Topamax (topiramate), Lyrica (pregabaline), Depatoke (divalproex sodium), Neurontin (gabapentin), Lamictal (lamotrigine), and Keppra (levetiracetam) are on increased risk of suicide. So, what can we do? Do we need to stop taking anti-seizure meds altogether? Well the warning in the US is “about 1 in 500 patients face an increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior” This means that suicide is unlikely to happen, but from your part you have to be careful. Talk to your doctor about any problems you may face while taking anti-seizure meds. But, remember do not stop taking your medication abruptly because that may cause you some complications. Talk to your doctor first before taking any decision.

How to fight depression?

  • Omega 3 fish oils: Fish oils have been suggested for migraine as well.
  • Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs): This calss of medicine is used for anxiety and depression. Examples of drugs include sertraline, escitalopram, fluoxetine, paroxetine, zoloft, and citalopram.
  • Physical Exercise: one of the many benefits of physical exercise is that it revitalizes your body. It gives you a natural feeling of being tired and thus you should feel more relaxed and sleep better.